
What we do

We manage complaints about the conduct, performance and health of registered health practitioners and students in NSW together with the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC). When managing complaints, we ensure that our assessment and decision making processes are...
Who receives my complaint?
The councils work with the Health Care Complaints Commission to assess your complaint and decide which agency should handle it.

How do I make a complaint?

You can make a complaint using our online complaints form (link to page) or by downloading and completing the following from which you can send to us via email or by post.

Who can I complain to?

There are different organisations involved in managing complaints about health practitioners or students. The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is the right place to make a complaint if you are concerned about a health practitioner in NSW behaving in a way...

Who can I complain about?

You can make a complaint about a registered health practitioner or registered student in NSW.

What should I know before making a complaint?

Information about who can make a complaint and the complainant's rights in the complaint process.
What you can complain about
You can make complaints to us about the clinical care and treatment, professional behaviour or health of a registered health practitioner in NSW.
Complaints and concerns
You can make a complaint about the health, performance or conduct of a registered health practitioner in NSW. We have different pathways for managing these different types of complaint.
Mandatory notifications
Health practitioners and their employers, as well as education providers, also have mandatory reporting (notifications) responsibilities under the National Law (NSW). Education providers, registered health practitioners and their employers must tell AHPRA if they have...
Reviewing or appealing a decision
Practitioner with conditions imposed on their registration can ask for the conditions to be changed or removed, or a suspension lifted following a review process. Practitioners should seek advice from their professional indemnity insurer or legal representative before...
